"Flagler Music Studios - Main Page (Music Academy, Online Academy, Recording Studio)"

Distance Learning

We have a proven methodology for learning remotely. We use a combination of ONLINE Course Material and Teams Meetings.

The cost for lessons is $200.00/Month. This includes your Video Lessons and unlimited access to relevant ONLINE Courses.
For example, if you are taking guitar as a beginner, you will have access to Applied Guitar I and Reading Music Basics I.
When you complete each ONLINE course, you will have access to the next level course and so on.

You will have one half-hour Teams meeting lesson per week at an agreed upon day of week and time of day.
You will have the same instructor that you would've had if you came to the school for in-person lessons.

Check the study outline by clicking on Flagler Music Academy from our main page; then, click
What Can I Study? and select the course of study you are interested in.
You will see a listing of couses. A sylabus for each course can be viewed by clicking on the course name.

Use the contact information under Contact on the top menu bar to get more information or to sign-up for lessons.