"Recording Studio Details"

Recording Studio Details

(386) 456-4393
$5 each

You can record your voice with a Karaoke CD. We can display lyrics and adjust the key with a CD+G type disks. Other formats can be used; however, we cannot display the lyrics on screen or adjust the key.

You can have as many performers as you wish. You can all sing together or you can record one at a time for a higher quality recording.

You can add instrumentation; however, all the aforementioned rules regarding lyrics and keys apply.

Recording bands is our specialty. You can record all at once or break out instruments and vocals any way you want. For the highest quality possible, we record each track separately.

We can play back any and all previously recorded tracks while recording new tracks?

We allow for a planning meeting at no charge. After that meeting, all time in the studio, be it setting up, tearing down, recording, mixing, artwork, etc. is counted as Studio time and billed at the aforementioned rate above.

You can record anything we can get through the door.

You can use either; however, our instruments are already set up and they are of very high recording quality.

We can assist you in composition, arrangement, professional advice, copyright processing, Lead sheet and/or full arrangement documentation on music score, mixing, CD Production, Artwork (CD Cover and Disc Label), Music Video Production, everything from the finest details to the big picture. We do it all!

Our planning session will determine as estimated number of hours for the first session; that session must be paid in full prior to setting up.

At the end of each session, we will plan the next. You must pay for each subsequent session prior to setting up for that session.

Call or email us with your questions or have them ready at your planning session. The contact information is shown above.

Sorry! We don't accommodate outside Sound Technicians. Your session will be handled by a skilled Sound Engineer with a degree from NYU-PolyTechnic University with decades of professional experience.

GREAT QUESTION! We have experience producing everything from Metal to Gospel, from Orchestral to Pop. We do it all and we love it all with one exception, we do not work with questionable lyrics. If you think this might be a problem, send me the lines in question and I'll let you know.

You can get additional CDs at the Additional CD price shown above.

Flagler Music Academy Students can record during their normal lesson time at no additional fee, or come in outside their lesson time at half price.