"Online Academy Details and Pricing"

Online Academy Details and Pricing

Flagler Music Studio
5 Contee Ct.
Palm Coast, FL 32137

You can pay the Monthly Tuition shown above or you can get a discount by paying Annually. In either case, when you have completed a class, the unused tuition goes on your account to be used for your next class. In other words, a yearly tuition allows you to take courses for one year.

You will have to pay for a second class to take 2 classes at once. For each simultaneous class, you will need to pay for an additional subscription.

Your credit will remain on account forever. There are no refunds for tuition.

If a payment is due, your course will be locked. When you click on the course, there will be a payment button, you can click on the payment button and pay with PayPal. Access will be restored immediately.

We unlock your course immediately after receiving the PayPal Instant Notification. If your payment does not go through, the course will become locked again until a payment is successful.

If you have a Coupon, you will have a chance to enter it during the payment process. The dollar amount of your coupon will be applied to your course; however, a coupon will only apply to the course it is granted for. Some coupons give you free access to a particular course.

YES!! You can pay by check; however, your course will not be unlocked until the check has cleared your bank. If you are paying monthly, you will have to send the check in early so there is no inturruption in your course access. Make your check payable to the Pay to shown above and mail your payment to the Mail to address also shown. Be sure to include your email address and course name in the memo line or in a note.

Each student works at their own pace. If you are already familiar with a courses material, you may finish it in several hours; however, normally, it takes days, weeks or months to complete a course.

Each section has a series of practices. There are also quizes and tests that let you know how you're doing. In many cases, your online instructor will evaluate your performance via a recording in place of a quiz or exam. In either case, you will be given a grade. You SHOULD retake any quiz or exam that you receive a less than satisfactory grade in. Your new score will replace your old one. Most students retake quizes and exams until they receive an A or a perfect score in most cases.

At the end of a course, the course closes out. You can retart the course if you choose.

There is a 4 step process. First, you must Create an Account; Second, you must create a profile; Third, you go to My Courses and select a course from the available courses and you click register; Fourth, you make a payment. Now you can click on the class and begin your course work.

Each time you return, you will return to the page that was last on the screen. You can stop in the middle of a quiz or test; however, it may be confusing to you as to where you were and if you haven't completed a section of an exam, it may not record your answers.

Every student should take OIC101 (The Basic Site Tutorial). This course acts like every other course; however, the course teaches you how to use the system. It's FREE and it's FAST. You need only an Account and a Profile to sign up for this course.

Each course allows you to create a nick name for the course (Janie - Piano, Robby - Guitar, etc.). You can have multple students on a single email account, or you can handle each student with a separate email address. If they share an email address, they will share a password. You will have to have separate subscriptions for each student.

YES!!! Click on Contact and give us a call. We'll walk you through the set-up or do the set-up for you. We want this to be easy and fun so we are here to make sure things go smoothly.

Click on Contact and call us, or email us your questions. If I'm out of the office, the call will be redirected to my cell phone. If you leave a message, the message will be transcribed and emailed to me. This will insure a prompt response from me.